Covid-19 has caused a huge change in the market of a new world. Covid-19 not only vanished different businesses but also promoted different business especially related to digital marketing and online businesses. Pandemic has causes the market flow distorted. On the same side, the full-body dryer market has raised to its peak. The towel is a conventional method of drying that leads to a quick spread of the virus. Many retailing companies shifted from the towel to the body dryer industry. COVID-19 has been a bone breaker for the economy of the world. Online marketing appeared and somehow sustained the global economy.
In the situation of lock-down, digital marketing led the back of the economy and launched different behavioral products. Body dryer is also one of these products. A piece of systematic information regarding changing market scenario concerning pandemic, full-body dryer have been inflow in the economy. The full body dryer market has filled the economic gaps that straighten up the economy. Evaluation of market size, performance in economic flow, and scope in the future, is done by each segment of the body dryer market.
Less Spread of
Diseases Due to Full Body Dryer
Due to the conventional use of towels, aeration body dryers can reduce the impact and spread of the corona virus. it controls the consecutive use of towels and prevents the disease to be spread from person to person. Aeration also avoids other diseases like flu and SARS that might be similar forms as corona virus. body dryer emits infrared and UV radiations that destroy the outer coating of the virus. This helps the body when the virus hasn’t entered into the body, by destroying it. In terms of constructed architecture, the 99.9% of overall antimicrobial penetration enhances overall purity, remaining completely germ-free. If one has delicate skin or wants to avoid diseases like player’s foot or dermatitis, a must.
Elemental Applications
Aeration techniques used in full-body dryer reduces the impact as it uses silver nano particles to avoid the dehydration of the body. The use of zinc particles leads to the flow of the nasal cavity in the body. Body dryer reduces the chance of having corona virus physically. Different techniques used to control the humidity level of the room as w can alter the vapor level by altering the protocols. The virus becomes weaker when there is more humidity level in the room. The not only humidity level of the room but also hydration level inside the body. The dryer controls the hydration level through the skin. Hair is also smooth by the body dryer through proper aeration and flow of nano particles.
Economic Balance:
Body dryer is one of the most popular luxuries nowadays. During the lock-down, a bathroom luxury became very uncertain because of a good source of the spread of the virus through different things. The bathroom is the place to clean oneself and what if one gets there to get infected. Thus, a bathroom must also be a safe place to be. Body dryer is a key factor in confirming the presence of the corona virus.
During the lock-down, when physical presence for shopping was gone uncommon and online market gone popular. In this time, the market has to bloom and thrive. Minor and major economic breakdowns got covered. The full-body dryer market grew because of its need in homes. It simply led the major market as well after the sales flow in the market.